It’s Been A Minute or Two

Haven’t posted in a bit. It’s strange because I feel like I just did, but time has a way of messing with your brain cells. Been busy editing WOMEN ON THE FRINGE, which will be a compilation of stories and interviews with several dozen amazing women in all fields of the paranormal, and the unknown or anomalous. It is being put together with my awesome friends and colleagues, Denise A. Agnew and Nicole Strickland. We are aiming for a March 2024 release to coincide with International Women’s Month celebrations. It will be the first official book published by my production company, WHERE’S LUCY? PRODUCTIONS.

Other than that, finishing a science fiction screenplay called SENTINELS. Was so blessed to find out that the two scripts I sold before and during COVID, MISTLETOE CONNECTION with Dianna Ippolito, and HOUSE OF LIES, with Denise A. Angew, are officially in post production and awaiting release dates! How cool is that? So many screenwriters option or sell scripts that never make it to the screen so I consider myself very blessed!

Working on my epistolary science fiction novel, FILE A…so fun to write in that format. I just love the immediacy and urgency and it’s a lot more personal.

More to come soon, and please sign up for my email newsletter, form is on this home page to the right. I do giveaways a lot!

Fall is almost here…My fave time of year.

New Novel Alert!

Hey, my horror novel, THE DIM, is out! Be sure to pick up a copy on Amazon. Link on my book page! And sign up for my email newsletter on the right side of this page to win some free signed copies of THE DIM and other upcoming books! Be sure to leave a review, too, so we can keep our ranking up on Amazon. Writers need all the support they can get and I so appreciate yours!!!

Into the new year and beyond!

Wow, it’s March already, and so much going on, despite my insisting I’d slow down this year! Getting ready to release an adult horror novel, THE DIM, written with Denise A. Agnew, and a paranormal thriller/romance, FREAK. Both will be coming within the next two months in ebook and print formats. Keep checking here for deets and be sure to sign up for my email newsletter, on the right side of this home page, for more info!

In non-fiction, I have a book called THE AFTERLIFE coming in June…excited about this comprehensive look at life after death and all that encompasses. I am phasing out of non-fiction quite a bit to focus on novels and screenplays!

Next on the docket is a huge ongoing multi-pov series called A. More on that to come. Again sign up for my email newsletter as news will unfold there first!

New eBook Series

I am doing a line of eBooks, short in size, called SCENARIO: WHAT IF? that look at various natural and manmade disasters. These digital books will cover the science behind the disasters, as well as speculation as to what a real-life “scenario” might look like, along with survival and disaster response and preparedness information.
Here is the link to the Amazon Series page!